Paardenburg, p11v9,
pack, canvas, p18v10,
packer, laundry, p68v12,
Packington Hall, p22v5,
Packington, p34v13,
Packwood, Alice, p58v2,
Packwood, Mr, p9v4,
Packwood, Rev. James, p58v2,
Pad, p73v4,
paddocks, p53v13,
page boy, p4v10,
Page, John, p36v8,
Painswick, p39v11,
Palace of Westminster, p55v13,
Palett, Richard, p54v6,
Pall Mall, p38v6,
Palm Sunday, p24v9,
Palmer, John, p45v1,
Palmer, Mr & Mrs Ernest Edward, p15v12,
Palmer, Mr, p24v4,
Palmer, Mr, p34v13,
Palmers, John, p50v1,
Pancheon, p73v4,
pandemic, p20v13,
panelling, oak, p11v12,
Pannel, p73v4,
pantiles, p8v12,
paper, rag, p57v11,
paper, wood-pulp, 57v11,
papier mache, p33v2,
Papists, p57v9,
parade ground, p17v10,
Parade, 85, the p12v2,
Parade, the, p47v2, p67v2, p53v3, p54v3, p65v3, p70v3, p11v9, p39v10, p41v10, p50v11, p51v11, p71v11, p12v12, p74v12, p80v13,
parades, church, p13v9,
Paradise Street, p31v13,
parasol, p60v11,
parasols, p59v11,
parish poor, p30v13,
parish poor, relief of the, p30v13,
Parish Register, p30v2, p75v3, p64v9,
Parish Registers, p59v9,
Parish Surgeon, p33v13,
Park Avenue, 83, p70v11,
Park Bailiff, p52v13,
Park Committee, p50v13, p51v13, p65v13,
Park Farm, p30v2,
park gamekeeper, p19v13,
Park House, p51v1, p57v1, p47v5,
Park Lane, p50v13,
Park Range, p43v7,
Park Ranger Service, p65v10,
Park Ranger, p69v13,
Park Road Wharf, p79v4,
Park Road, p11v3, p54v3, p30v6, p49v7, p17v10,
Park Street, p23v3,
Parker, Henry, p14v5,
Parker, Sir Thomas, p21v9,
Parkere, Hugo, p54v6,
Parkes, Councillor J H, p20v10,
Parkes, Mr, p48v8,
Parkes, Richard, p45v8,
Park-keepers, resident, p26v11,
Parks and Estates Committee, p15v12, p17v12, p19v12, p20v12, p43v13, p49v13,
Parks Committee, Chairman of the, p33v6,
Parks, Thomas, p20v11,
Parliament 1840, Act of, p9v1,
Parliament, Act of, p3v10,
Parliament, Member of, p64v9, p10v11,
Parliament, Members of, p26v11,
Parliament, p8v9, p16v9, p23v9, p56v9, p57v9, p58v9, p63v9, p64v9, p13v10, p38v13,
Parliament, supporters of, p55v9,
Parliamentary Army, p62v9,
Parliamentary Committee, p35v3,
parlourmaid, p4v10, p69v12, p70v12,
Parnell, Ann, p45v12,
Parochial Valuation Map 1856 (partial), p10v6,
Parochial Valuation Map 1856, extract from, p11v6,
Parochial Valuation Map 1856, p33v1, p80v3, p9v6, p45v6,
Parochial Valuation Map 1857, p8v2, p25v2, p26v2, p49v10,
Parochial Valuation Map and Schedule 1857, p2v13,
Parr, Frank, p65v2,
Parrott, William, p31v6,
Parson and Clerk, p18v10,
Parsons, George, p6v2,
Parsons, Nellie, p74v12,
Partlett, p73v4,
Pasley, Captain M S, p32v2,
Passchendale, p40v12,
patients, maniacal, p23v11,
patients, melancholic, p21v11,
Patshull, p39v7,
paupers, male, p37v13,
paupers, p32v13,
paupers, p28v13, p34v13, p36v13, p37v13, p39v13,
paupers, parish, p16v11,
Pear Tree House, p71v3,
Pears, William, p51v13, p52v13, p57v13,
Pearson, Alderman G F, p33v6, p8v12,
Pearson, Enoch, p3v5,
Pearson, Mr, p40v13,
peat deposits, p60v10,
peat, extraction of, p12v13,
Pecke, p73v4,
Pecks, the, p10v13,
Peddimore Farm House, p22v5,
Peddimore Hall, p41v5, p12v13,
Peddimore, p63v2, p40v5, p50v6, p11v8,
pediment, p8v12,
Peele, p73v4,
peg holes, p44v9,
pegs, wooden, p8v10,
Peiton, Henry, p23v1,
Pemberton, Abraham, p59v9,
Pembrokeshire, p64v11,
Penkerick, John, p26v5,
Penkrich, John, p28v5,
Penn, John, p40v5,
Penne, Henry, p54v6,
Penne, William, p44v2,
Penns Cottages, p3v1, p5v1, p6v1, p7v1,
Penns Farm, p3v1,
Penns Hall Hotel, p55v2, p14v7,
Penns Hall, p3v1, p3v5, p40v5,
Penns Lane, p3v1, p7v1, p9v1, p10v1, p54v2, p70v2, p26v5, p36v5, p48v6,
Penns Mill, p3v1, p7v1, p55v2, p40v5, p40v12, p47v12,
Penns Post Office, p5v1,
Penns Wire Mills, p14v7,
Penns, p7v4, p47v5, p43v6, p14v7, p58v9, p19v13, p47v13,
Penrose, Francis Cranmer, p53v11,
pens, quill, p46v12,
Pentrich, John, p55v6,
Pentrich, Julia, p54v6,
Pepper, William, p79v3,
Pepper, Mr, p7v4,
Perkins family, p34v1,
Perkins Pool, p4v3,
Perkins, Betty, p7v4,
Perkins, Charley, p7v4,
Perkins, S F, p18v13,
Perkins, Shirley Francis Steele, p46v4,
Perkins’ Pool, p18v13, p19v13,
Perkyns, Thomas, p55v6,
Perrott, Col. Sir Herbert, p39v6, p40v6, p42v6,
Perry Barr Urban District Council, p4v12,
Perry Barr, p32v5, p42v7, p41v9, p17v13,
Perry, Councillor W A, p8v12, p15v12,
Perry’s Bankrupt Gazette 7th December 1867, p3v13,
Pershore, p11v1,
Persia, p29v1,
Persian Court, p29v1,
Peshawar Valley fever, p32v7,
Petitioners of 1683, List of, p15v5, p16v5, p17v5,
Peyton Memorials, p24v1,
Peyton, Captain Walter, p23v1, p27v1, p29v1, p31v1, p21v4,
Peyton, Dorothy, p23v1, p25v1,
Peyton, Maria Stanton, p23v1,
phaeton, p15v4,
Philip Foster School, p64v4,
Phillip Street, p43v11, p47v11, p49v11,
Phillips, C J, p52v13,
Phillips, Louisa, p68v12,
Phipps, Constantine, p21v9,
photographer, p83v3,
physicians, p3v11, p4v11, p5v11, p9v11,
physicians, trainee, p3v11,
Pick, Gwenda, p76v4,
Pickering, Mary, p23v1,
pied-a-terre, p45v13,
Pierpoint, Elizabeth, p75v3,
Pietermaritzburg, p24v11,
Piggin, p73v4,
Pilkington Avenue, p4v10,
Pilkington, Arthur, p4v10,
Pilkington, Mr, p5v13,
Pimlott, Miss Mary, p50v2,
Pine Leigh, p62v11,
Pipe Hall, p22v5,
Pipe Roll Society, p63v2,
Pipe, James, p29v2,
Pipe, Robert, p61v4,
pippet, p19v13,
pistol, p73v13,
pit, circular, p67v10,
pit, lye, p35v12,
pits, circular, p59v10,
pits, p34v12, p36v12, p39v12, p12v13,
pits, refuse, p31v11,
Pitsford Street, p48v11,
plague, bubonic, p9v9,
Plague, the, p15v8,
Planning Archaeologist, p66v13,
Plant’s Mill, p55v2,
Plante, H, p6v2,
Plantes Bridge, p79v2,
Plants Brook, the, p55v2, p70v3, p31v11,
plinth, p8v12,
plumber, p41v12,
Plymouth, p2v6,
pneumonia, p59v8,
poachers, p19v13,
poet, p18v9,
poisoning, industrial, p17v11,
Pole, Sir William, p76v2,
Polesworth, p7v1,
Polesworth, p34v13,
police constable, p7v1,
police house, p2v4,
Police Station, Hill, p68v2,
Police Station, p11v4,
Police Station, Walmley, p68v2,
Police Station, Wylde Green, p68v2,
policeman, village, p7v1,
pollution, industrial, p9v11,
ponds, p12v13,
Pontifical Throne, Assistant at the, p16v13,
Pool Hollies, p57v10, p61v10, p62v10, p64v10, p65v10, p68v10, p32v12, p33v12, p37v12, p19v13,
Pool of London, p27v1,
pool, mill, p14v13,
pool, ornamental, p14v13,
pool, rectangular, p12v13,
pool, triangular, p14v13,
pool, V-shaped, p15v13,
pools, mill, p12v13,
pools, p12v13,
Poor House, Old, p41v13,
Poor Law Act 1601, p1v5 p35v13,
Poor Law Act 1834, p9v6,
Poor Law Act 1836, p1v5,
Poor Law Act, 1572, the, p27v13,
Poor Law Amendment Act 1834, p25v4, p26v4, p38v13,
Poor Law Assistant Commissioner, p26v4,
Poor Law Board, p10v5,
Poor Law Commissioner, Assistant, p39v13,
Poor Law Commissioners, p39v13,
Poor Law Commissioners, p4v3, p26v4, p5v5, p9v5, p10v5, p38v13, p40v13,
Poor Law Officers, local, p34v13,
Poor Law, administration of the, p38v13,
Poor Law, Old, p34v13, p38v13,
Poor Law, p26v4,
Poor Laws, p27v13,
Poor Laws, p30v13,
poor people, p37v13,
poor persons, p28v13,
Poor Rate Book 1862, p27v2,
Poor Rate Book 1863, p27v2,
Poor Rate Book 1868, p27v2,
Poor Rate Book 1870, p27v2,
Poor Rate Book 1871, p27v2,
Poor Rate Books 1864-67, p27v2,
Poor Rate, annual, p38v13,
Poor Rate, p22v4, p2v5, p27v13, p30v13, p38v13,
Poor Rates, p30v13, p37v13, p41v13,
Poor Rates, p37v13,
Poor Relief, p19v4, p22v4, p23v4, p11v7, p27v13, p28v13, p29v13, p30v13, p37v13, p38v13,
poor, able-bodied, p28v13,
Poor, Assistant Overseer of the, p8v3, p31v13, p43v13,
poor, children of the, p35v13,
Poor, Overseer of the, p31v4, p9v6,
Poor, Overseers of the, p27v13, p28v13, p29v13, p30v13, p33v13, p35v13, p42v13, p43v13,
Poor, Overseers of the, p32v13,
Poor, the Able-Bodied, p19v4,
Poor, the Impotent, p20v4,
Poor, Relief of the, p19v4,
Pope Honorius III, p64v2,
Popery, p57v9,
poplars, balsam, p43v10,
poplars, black, p43v10,
poplars, Lombardy, p43v10,
poplars, native white, p43v10,
Porkett, p73v4,
Porringer, p73v4,
Port Elizabeth, p8v9,
port wine, p8v11,
Port, p65v11,
Porter, Thomas, p43v5,
portico, p8v12
portrait and landscape painter, p20v11,
Portugese, the, p27v1,
Posnet, p73v4,
posse comitatus, p28v9,
Post Mill, p81v2, p81v2, p83v2, p84v2, p85v2, p86v2,
Post Mills, p80v2,
Post Office, p13v4,
post-chaise, p17v13,
postillion, p23v13,
Posting Master, p17v13,
postman, p40v9,
postmistress, p5v1,
posts, marker, p8v10,
Pot geale, p73v4,
pot-house, p74v13,
Potter, Joseph, p24v13, p25v13,
pouches, ammunition, p18v10,
Poulteny, Charlotte, p43v11,
Powell, Anne-Marie, p24v5,
Powell, John, p59v9,
Powell, William, p13v1,
Powell’s Field, p22v7,
Powell’s Pool, p13v1, p32v3, p15v10, p16v10, p17v10, p22v10, p62v10, p62v12, p17v13,
Powells, the, p10v13,
power station driver, p54v7,
Power’s Field, p77v13,
Powers, Edward, p57v4,
Powers, Edward, p77v13,
Powles, Charles, p43v11,
preacher, p56v9,
prehistoric times, p4v8,
Prescott, John, p25v10,
Presse board, p73v4,
Preston, George, p56v2,
Pretender, the, p23v9, p24v9, p25v9,
Pretoria Convention, p6v9,
Pretoria, p11v9,
Price, Mary, p19v11,
Price, A J, p51v10,
Priest, Gawen, p45v4,
Priest, John, p59v9,
Priestland, John, p36v13,
Priestley, Dr. Joseph, p17v13,
Prime Minister, the, p13v10,
Prince George of Denmark, p16v9,
Prince of Wales, His Royal Highness the, p34v6, p40v6,
Prince Rupert, p58v9,
Princeloo, p8v9,
Princethorpe, p16v13,
prisons, p36v13,
Pritchard, Ethel M, p76v2,
Pritchard, Robert, p59v1, p63v2,
Private Street Works Act 1892, p30v6, p55v13,
private tutor, p43v12,
Privy Council, p24v9,
Proceedings, the, p32v12,
Proctor, Mr, p36v13,
professor, p16v13,
proscenium opening, p54v12,
Protestant Succession, p25v9, p28v9,
Protestantism, p55v9,
protestors, anti-BNNR, p25v10,
protestors, anti-road, p25v10, p26v10,
Prussia, p28v7,
Prussians, the, p28v7,
Public Analyst, p3v12,
public houses, p45v11, p46v11,
Public Record Office, p84v2, p62v9,
Public Worship Regulation Act 1874, p35v11,
publicans, p66v11,
Pudseys, the, p23v1, p36v8, p14v13,
Pugin, Augustus Welby Northmore, p25v13, p26v13, p55v13,
Pugin, Louisa, p26v13,
Pullen, Frederick, p33v1,
Pullen, p73v4,
pulmonary consumption, p1v11, p6v11, p10v11, p12v11,
pulse rate, p9v11,
Punjab, the Gates of the, p30v7,
punkah, p28v7,
Purchas, Samuel, p27v1,
purgatives, harsh, p21v11,
Puritan ministers, p56v9,
purlins, trenched, p47v9, p52v9,
Pype Hall Estate, p69v13,
Pype Hayes Hall, p76v2,