Photo Page 37

Page 37



May 29

Catherine and myself slept in our new home.

School licensed for service on Coldfield

Lent Prayer at 8 in the morning in addition to Friday evening.


Mr Douglas left Sutton. Mr More came. Good Friday - Capt Adderley and Troop at Church fearing Chartist disturbance from Birmingham.

June 26

Our Sale.


Vincent sold The Park (his house) to Mr Wiggan.

Sept 12

Mr Carter Smith came first to the Rectory then The Park.

Louise Pepper married to Mr Dumolo - Exchange of Land and sale between Mr Bedford and Vincent.

Oct 25

Miss Anne Webster married.

Nov 2

Mr Eccleston elected Warden.

Mr Mery(?) left.




Mr and Mrs Jacot left New Hall, a sorry ending to grand beginning.

Feb 15

Tablet to my father and mother put up by Vincent, John and myself.

Ap 3

Sir EC Hartopp died.

Ap 29

Mr Oughton died.

May 6

Mrs Bick joined us, as her home.

Blabs and Burnt Green sold.

Mr Chadwick (the 3rd) bought his bride to New Hall under different circumstances than his father before him (see New Hall).

Aug 14

Miss MA Webster married.

(Evanilda) Bracken died at Mr Blick's.


RotherHythe - during the visitation of Cholera.


Evening Service began. DW giving the stands and lights.

Mt Eccleston's tragedy began; after having buried two children on the same day; Mr E Sadler pressed him for money - Mr Richard Sadler having secured a bill of sale, and he was taken to Warwick. He had secured an appointment as HeadMaster at Hobart Town (?) where on his release he went, was installed, well received, made a much admired address - left the building, posted a paper to me, suddenly became insane and the same ship bringining the paper, brought also the intelligence of his death, a sad story from beginning to end, flushed with his appointment as HeadMaster here; misguided and misled into folly and extravagance, he was betrayed (one might alsmost say) by his mistakenly called friends, who encouraged the contraction of debts they knew he could only pay by borrowing, and the consequences thereof - paying for that.